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Becoming Catholic | OCIA

What does OCIA stand for? 
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly known as RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Who can participate in OCIA? Is it just for people who want to become Catholic?

• If you are unbaptized, or baptized into another Christian faith, OCIA provides an opportunity to learn about our Catholic faith and to become a fully initiated member of our Church.

• If you are a baptized Catholic, but were never able to complete the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, OCIA opens the door for you to experience the grace and strength that these Sacraments can bring into your life.

• If you are a fully initiated Catholic, but would like to learn about our Catholic Faith from the perspective of an adult, or if you would like to be a faith companion to a non-Catholic exploring our Catholic Faith, OCIA provides you with the opportunity to learn and grow.

If you are interested in becoming Catholic through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) and would like to know more please contact Deacon Kevin Malarkey at DeaconKevin@stanneba.org. Welcome home!