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hws77oec34kww49af310m25i5xl.pngInfant Baptism

In Church law, for the purposes of reception of baptism, every child under the age of seven is considered an infant and is therefore eligible for baptism without special catechesis. Once a child reaches the age of seven, which is the presumed age of reason, he or she must first take part in special formation before receiving the sacrament. Please call Laura Jones at 918-251-4000 for more information.

Requirements for Parents and Godparents (Sponsors)

At least one parent must be a practicing Catholic and a member of St. Anne. There are some exceptions for special circumstances (please call the Parish Office at 918-251-4000 for more information). A baptism class is required of all new parents and godparents prior to scheduling your child’s baptism. Classes are held once per month and registration for this class through the Parish Office is required. If your godparents are not members of St. Anne, they may attend a similar class in their own parish. In this case, a letter from their pastor will be required one week before the baptism indicating that they are members in good standing.

Godparents (Sponsors)

A prospective godparent (also called a “sponsor”) must be of sufficient maturity both in age and in the practice of the Catholic Faith. Therefore, he or she must be:

  • A Catholic in good standing—that is, a practicing Catholic.  
  • A Confirmed Catholic—that is, he or she must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • At least 16 years of age.

A child may have two godparents, but one is sufficient. If two, then one must be male and the other female. It is not permitted to have two godparents of the same sex. Also, as mentioned above, prospective godparents must attend a one-hour class. 

In Case of Emergency

In the danger of death, any person, whether clergy or laity, may baptize another person. For validity, the person to be baptized must either be immersed in water or have water poured over his/her head while the following is said: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This is a true and valid baptism and therefore must be recorded in the parish register of the place of the baptism. Should the newly baptized recover, a ceremony should be celebrated in the person’s own parish, which will include the other elements of the rite of baptism (for example, the clothing in the baptismal garment and the reception of the baptismal candle). Please call the Parish Office at 918-251-4000 to make arrangements.

Adult Baptism

According to ancient tradition, anyone over the age of seven who desires baptism will first be prepared by a period of prayer and study tailored to each person according to age, religious background, and other factors. A special program is available for children over the age of seven, while older teenagers and adults often prepare together. Please click here for more information on Becoming Catholic!

Baptismal Certificates

To request a copy of your baptismal certificate, or that of your child, please call Laura Jones at 918-251-4000.